Green Drinks pub crawl @ Remodel Green Midwest conference

o2 Michigan strongly encourages folks to check out the Remodel Green Midwest conference to be held March 16th and 17th in Plymouth, Michigan.
As an added bonus, please join us the evening of Friday, March 16th as o2 Michigan sponsors a special edition GREEN DRINKS pub crawl. Come mingle with conference-goers and non-conference-goers as we tour downtown Plymouth. Also, witness the unveiling of o2 Michigan t-shirts. Stay tuned. Details will be posted here.
Hey O2ers...
You better bring your Green Drinking Hats on Friday March 16th. After months of preparation for this event, I'm going to be ready to have some fun!! So please join me - bring your ideas, thoughts, and vision for a sustainable Southeast Michigan and let's get our Green Drink on!
We're so organized we're actually going to have O2 t-shirts available!! Also, all indications are that we will be able to convince a speaker or two from Remodel Green to join us - so even if you can't attend - be part of the socializing afterwards.
I hope to see you there!
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